How to finish your interview with style

How to finish your interview with style

The end of an interview can be a relief, especially if you’ve been feeling the pressure, but don’t switch off too soon. For as long as you’re in the room, or on the call, they can see you – and that means they’re making judgements of you. Your departure must be as...

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Presentation Pitfalls, and how to avoid falling in to them

Presentation Pitfalls, and how to avoid falling in to them

My clients learn how to structure, and deliver, a brilliant presentation. They know how to identify their key message; the language they need to use to inspire and persuade; how to use storytelling…They know how important it is not to waste the opportunity. If you’ve...

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How to Smash your Next Interview

How to Smash your Next Interview

Interviews can be nerve wracking, of course – you’re putting yourself out there to be judged, and there are sometimes high stakes; you may really want, and need, this job. This can create a serious imbalance: you’re giving all the power to the interview panel, letting...

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How to make sure your title makes people want to listen!

How to make sure your title makes people want to listen!

Do you ever bet on the horses? I don’t, as a rule, but I have been to the races a couple of times and, in my complete ignorance about anything at all to do with horse racing, I do what loads of us do: I choose based on the name! I pick a name that stands out, or one...

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How do they do it? The secrets of a confident speaker.

How do they do it? The secrets of a confident speaker.

Lots of people struggle with confidence. The minute we enter “Presentation Mode”, we feel awkward and self-conscious. We become incapable of natural movement and feel constricted, getting stuck in a cycle of public speaking fear. Authenticity really matters: true...

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Overcome your Fear of Networking

Overcome your Fear of Networking

As a public speaking coach, I work a lot with clients who want to learn how to create and deliver a brilliant presentation; or to nail their next interview; or confidently deliver a best man’s speech. But I also get a approached by people who want to improve their...

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I’m in to insightful, outcome-based, bespoke training – I take time to understand your challenges before creating a programme just for you. But there’s no denying there are some fundamental rules that we would all benefit from remembering the next time we get up and...

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What fires you up?

What fires you up?

I recently worked with a lovely client called Amanda, who is a health data analyst. Her presentations were all about, well…data. How to capture it, and what to do with it. Presentations about data – about numbers, statistics, and graphs – have the potential to be...

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“I’m happy to take questions at the end”…are you??

“I’m happy to take questions at the end”…are you??

You can prepare and rehearse your presentation as much as you like, but I know people still get a bit scared of that bit at the end when you’re expected to take questions from the floor. It’s worth exploring why you feel like that. Often, it’s because we can’t...

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Are you the right type of communicator?

Are you the right type of communicator?

If you do an internet search of “modes of communication” or something similar, you’ll see lots of information about different presentation styles.  You might identify yourself as a “passive-aggressive” communicator; or maybe your style is ”ideas oriented”; perhaps...

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First Impressions online

First Impressions online

Although we’re going back to the office, a lot of our communication will still be done via video conferencing. So, knowing how to make a good impression in the online world is as important as for face-to-face meetings. We’re all so used to video calls that we may be...

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